Someone Greeting You from Afar

Behind the barrier of daylight          a dark outline


you don’t want to stare at for fear of being


blinded.  It’s the same          figure you recognize


in the pupils of enemies and lovers         consuming


itself in front of you            holding an unremitting


interchange with the clear universe of things


divine.                   Everyone on the other side says


hi.  Everyone says          the Beautiful is nothing but


the onset of Terror    we can barely Define.  Who


is the Person greeting me behind the burning?


The thighs, the knees               emerge as black


silhouettes        against white.  Hi, hi!      You know


it’s too late to remain           Incognito.  You don’t know


whether or not            Death is kind.


Tortured Little Sensitivities


Elegy from a Nightingale’s Point of View